Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Ok, So I posted this link on Facebook so I know all you stinkers are reading it. So Follow it already! Its nice to KNOW who your stalkers are at least. LOL Oh yeah and you can comment! I enabled it! So Get commenting!

Im just so dang proud that I got this updated. Show me your a reader! Keep me motivated!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bye Bye Bassinet!

So Madi has been sleeping solely in her bassinet for the past month. We are trying to transition her out of our bed and into her crib. She has been napping in her crib during the day. Since she has been sick lately She has been sleeping in our bed a little, but mostly in the bassinet because the mattress in it is elevated for better breathing with her cold. Still in the morning she wants to be close because she doesn't feel well. Last night though she was sleeping in her basinet and she began crying. I sat up and looked over (the basinet is right next to my side of the bed) Madilyn was sitting up on her knees peering over the end of the basinet! AH!!!!! I grabbed her quick and put her in the bed. no more basinet!

Did I mention shes crawling? SHES CRAWLING! SOOOOO FAST! We have been baby proofing!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sick SIck Sick

So Madilyn got over her cold, then a few days later Mike got sick. We assumed it was the same thing, but then he got pink eye. He was sent home from work so I tried to get him some meds for his eyes. My doctor wouldn't help because Mike had never seen him, actually had had NO doctor at all! So I tried calling around finding an urgent care that was open at 5 midweek. It should'nt have been THAT hard but it was. We ended up driving to the urgent care in fairview. There was noone else there so he got prompt care. It turns out he had pink eye in both eyes, an ear infection and strep throat! About 4 days after that Madilyn got sick again!

Today mike is feeling better but Madi is pretty miserable. Sigh.

When will everyone be well again?????

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Madilyns 2nd beach trip & first VW Cruise!

Today was the Annual Camp 18 Cruise. Except this year its been renamed the Cross haul Cruise, and instead of camp 18 we stopped at Oneys. Long story short Camp 18's owners are jerks.

Because Mike was sick Sunday and Monday he had to work and wasn't able to go. This is the first year since the cruise was started that he couldn't attend. Madi had been feeling pretty awful the two days leading up to the cruise, So I figured the most her and I could do was to meet everyone at the starting point (the VW credit center) and make a game time decision about weather or not we would go.

Madilyn hadnt been napping, mostly because her nose was so stuffy it was hard for her to get comfortable. But when I headed out for the credit center that morning she fell right asleep. When we got there I put her in the carrier and walked around. She always does so much better out than she does at home. I decided to go on the drive to Oneys. I still didn't know about the whole trip to to the beach though.

At Oneys Madi was out of the carrier and a few good friends held her. She was happier than I had seen her in days! So we headed to the beach. She took a nice long nap in the car on the way there.

Once there I visted with friends in their various hotel rooms/ beach houses. Then I took a walk on the beach with Jen, Michelle, Heather and Kira. I had been wanting to go to the beach for months and was so happy to be there. It had rained on the drive, but it stopped in time for our little beach excursion. I bundled Madi up tight. She seemed to be soothed by the ocean sounds. She peered out at the ocean from her carrier.

After several years of staying the night after the cruise (even when I was pregnant) It was really hard to leave. Even so I knew we had to. Mike was waiting back home and it was starting to get dark. So we reluctantly headed home. Madi sept the whole way. It was a nice relaxing drive (thanks to mike letting me take the GTI).

All in all it was a good trip and a nice day at the beach.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

9 months old!!!

Happy Nine months!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Tulip Farm

Even Though Madilyn had a cold we REALLY wanted to go to the Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm in Woodburn this year. We have wanted to go the last two years but havent been able to make it happen. Mike had been before, but I never have. I also Had promised Tessa I would Take some spring photos of her children but it had been really crappy weather until this weekend.

So sun shining, and Madilyn feeling a little better we headed toward Woodburn. What we have learned about Madi, is that she loves to be out of the house around people. If she is having a bad day your best bet is to take her out in the carrier, even if its just to the grocery store. I wish I could say its being outside, but thats not the case. There has to be people around. Sometimes I will walk her to the little park by our house. She will be upset most of the way there, but once we get there and she sees the other children and parent, she feels better. We were hoping this trip to the tulip farm would help her mood since she had been feeling so yucky.

At the farm we saw tons of cool stuff for kids to do. We decided we would have to make this a family tradition just like our trip to the pumpkin patch in the fall. Madilyn started out in the stroller, but as is normal, before long she was yelling and the only thing that made her happy was the carrier. I hope when she gets bigger she will like the stroller. For now I dont mind carrying her around.

I took several photos of Tessa's kids, but Madilyn wasn't in the photo mood. :) Even though we had her dressed up cute, the best photo we got was of her and Amelia looking at each other. I got a pretty cute/funny one of Madilyn ticked off though.

We had a good time and Im looking forward to next year.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Amelias birthday and getting sick

A few days ago Madilyn attended her very first birthday party! It was our friend Amelia who turned 1. I took photos for Tessa, Amelia's mom. I wore Madilyn in the ergo carrier most of the time. So Mainly she spent her time quietly looking around. It was fun to see Amelia, who is walking. I remember the first time we saw her. We were home in our first month with Madiyn. Tessa had offered to bring us dinner to help us out. I hadn't seen Tessa in over 10 years. I went to school with her and her sister. Her sister Erin was in my grade and Tessa was her younger sister. I have known their family since I was in kindergarden. They lived 3 streets away from me as I was growing up.
When Tessa and her husband Brian brought us dinner we met their children Amelia and Charlie for the first time. Amelia was 3 or four months and Mike and I were in awe. We could'nt believe our little baby would soon be so alert and smiley. Seeing Amelia on her 1st birthday left me feeling the same way. In 3 short month our little girl will be 1. She will probably be walking as well. How exciting!!

Three days after the birthday party Madilyn began showing signs of a cold. Amelia had a runny nose at the party but Madilyn didnt go near her except once for a photo so I didnt think it was a problem. BUT apparently it was. Dang it. She's really feeling miserable. She cant breathe well out of her nose and is skipping naps and not sleeping well. Sigh.